Hello, I am so glad that you are here.

Let me share with you how intuitive writing healed my soul.

My name is Morgan and in late 2016 after a number of years working in field-based conservation roles I burnt out.


After pressing pause on working in conservation, I sat in stillness to allow the dust to settle. This is when the full reality of what I had witnessed and experienced through my work hit home and I slid into a dark place.

I am a writer.

Words have always flowed through my mind like silk.

Yet I always used writing in a controlled way. 

I would write short stories, poems or record the day's events freely.

Write news articles, radio pieces or blog posts with structure and reason.

But I would never let my deepest feelings, desires and fears be recorded.

I would never just scribble anything that tumbled out of the deep recesses of my mind onto paper.

 As I searched in the dark for a way to heal my soul, I discovered the idea of writing without constraints. 

Writing freely.

Writing with the aim to unlock creativity.

Writing in the form of a personal daily ritual.

I came to realise the incredible healing power that writing can have as I filled notebook after notebook with words. 

As the words began to flow so too did my connection to self and my journey to healing.

Intuitive writing gifted me the key to unlock my inner creative who had been waiting patiently for me all of those years.

The 'white noise' was slowly replaced by a stillness that meant that I could hear the whispers of my soul for the first time. 

Creating ritual through writing connected me back to self in a way that I had previously thought was outside the realm of possibility,

We all stray off the path sometimes and are in need of a light to shine the way back.

This is why I am offering this invitation to you. 

To discover just how powerful creating a ritual of intuitive writing can be.

How writing can be used as a method of healing and a way to reconnect with your inner creative. 

Intuitive writing allowed me to heal my mind, body and spirit and connect to my inner magic.

This is why I want to share how it can help you too.

The journey

  • Chapter one: discovering your inner creative

    You might not know it, but you are creativity embodied. We are all creative beings but as adults this often gets pushed aside. Journey together to unlock the creative that is buried deep within you and discover how this connection will guide you towards living a more authentic life.

  • Chapter two: creating a daily writing practice

    Rituals are what bind us together, what ground us and anchor us in a world that can be full of light and love but also turmoil. Ritual creates a sense of belonging within community and to self. Explore how to develop a daily writing practice as a ritual designed to nurture your creative self.

  • Chapter three: intuitive stream of consciousness

    Your intuition is your inner compass and wisdom and guides you in the right direction. Learning how to write intuitively is a big part of diving deep and beginning to listen to your intuition. Once you release the fear of writing down what is truly on your mind, then you release blocks and you begin to heal.

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Chapter One: discovering your inner creative.

    • "But I'm not creative....."

  • 3

    Chapter Two: creating a daily writing practice.

    • The importance of creating ritual through writing.

  • 4

    Chapter Three: intuitive stream of consciousness writing.

    • Your intuition is the most important aspect of your mind, body and soul.

  • 5

    Practice makes (non) perfect

    • Write, write and write some more

You are creativity embodied.

Your inner creative has been waiting deep within you to become reacquainted. Discover your authentic creative self, reconnect to ritual and heal past trauma through intuitive writing.