If we are not honouring the earth; we are not honouring ourselves.

Have you heard whispers about palm oil but are not really sure what the problem is? Have you heard that the orangutans of Borneo and Sumatra are endangered, but don't know what you can do to help? Allow me to guide you through the easy ways that you can create change to protect the rainforests and orangutans.

Hello there, I am so glad that you are here.

Our rainforests are the lungs of our earth.

We need them to survive.

However, across the islands of Borneo and Sumatra tropical primary rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate.

And the key culprit?

Palm oil.

This vegetable oil has begun to take centre stage of the environmental debate and for good reason.

Not only is rainforest being cleared to make way for palm oil plantations, there are also grave impacts to endangered wildlife, water sources and the local communities.

As the world begins to understand the devastating impact that deforestation is having on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, the impact that the palm oil industry is having is beginning to become known.

The islands of Borneo and Sumatra, are the only places in the world where the critically endangered orangutan (that we share 97% the same DNA) is found. 

While this problem might seem a million miles away from where you live, it is actually something that affects all of us.

In fact, take a stroll around your house and I guarantee amongst your pantry, kitchen, laundry and bathroom shelves you will find products that contain palm oil.

You see, the ability to turn the tide on deforestation is actually at your fingertips.

We all have the ability to effect positive change in our everyday lives. 

It is actually really easy to make small changes in your life that can have a big impact. 

The journey

  • In-depth information about palm oil and deforestation

    This course dives deep into why our earth's rainforests are so important and the impact that palm oil and deforestation is having on the lungs of our earth.

  • All of the facts and information

    If you want to find in-depth information about this issue you could spend hours trawling the Internet. But that might not be the best use of your time. One of the reasons I created this course is to place all of the information that people need in one place. Included are all of the facts and figures you need to know sprinkled with my own personal knowledge and experiences.

  • Easy changes that you can make in your life.

    I truly believe that every single person holds the power to create positive change for the planet. Once you have learnt all of the facts about palm oil it is time to take action. You will learn just how easy it is to make small lifestyle changes that lower the impact that you are having. If everyone takes little steps it will create greater change.

Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    Module 1: the problem

  • 3

    Module 2: the solution

    • Say no to palm oil.

    • Never support facilities that exploit wild animals.

    • Spark awareness through conversations.

    • Travel to Borneo and Sumatra to support eco tourism.

    • Adopt a plant based diet.

    • Hang on- what about sustainable palm oil?

  • 4

    Module 3: all of the resources you need

    • The links.

I created this course with the vision to inspire. To create a pathway that shows just how easy it can be to make small changes to live a more earth conscious life.

Grow your knowledge about deforestation and learn how you can create change in your everyday life to protect the orangutans.