Eco living 101

Your guide to living a conscious life in touch with our earth.

If we are not honouring the earth; we are not honouring ourselves.

Do you keep hearing about all of these environmental issues but don't know what you can do to help? Perhaps you want to make changes in your daily life but it just feels really overwhelming to know what to do. The good news is that every single person can make a difference to protect our oceans, rainforests, sky and earth.

Hello, I am so glad that you are here.

There is a lot of talk right now about how our oceans are becoming choked with microplastics due to our reliance on single use plastics.

You might also have heard whispers about the impact that the palm oil industry is having on the critically endangered orangutans and the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra.

The term 'zero waste' might have popped up on your radar and you may have seen people on social media who are able to function in our modern society while still living totally waste free lives? 

Perhaps you are concerned about the impacts that the fashion industry is having on the environment and the rights of the garment workers?

With so many threats to our environment, it can seem overwhelming to know how just one person can make an impact. 

But here's the thing.

We all have the ability to effect positive change in our everyday lives. 

It is actually really easy to be aware of the issues that are affecting our environment and to make small changes in your life that can have a big impact. 

And don’t worry. 

You don’t need to throw away your shoes and live off the grid in the jungle (although it does sound kind of nice right?)

Even if you live in the middle of a concrete jungle your daily actions are having more of an impact than you might think.

This course will guide you through the main environmental issues of our time and how you can make small changes in your everyday life to greater protect our earth.

Here's what you'll get:

  • In-depth information about the biggest environmental issues of our time.

    This course dives deep into the biggest issues facing the health of our earth and ourselves. The issues covered are single use plastics, palm oil, fast fashion, zero waste living, water scarcity, eco periods and a little bonus module on plant based living.

  • All of the facts and information.

    If you want to find in-depth information about the environmental threats facing our earth you could spend hours trawling the Internet. But that might not be the best use of your time. One of the reasons I created this course is to place all of the information that people need in one place. Included are all of the facts and figures you need to know about the issues covered in the course sprinkled with my own personal knowledge and experiences.

  • Easy changes that you can make in your life to protect our earth.

    I truly believe that every single person holds the power to create positive change for the planet. Once you have learnt all of the facts about the state of our earth it is time to take action. You will learn just how easy it is to make small lifestyle changes that lower the impact that you are having. If everyone takes little steps it will create greater change.

Course curriculum

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    Module 1: why does everyone care about plastics suddenly?

    • Don't worry we don't need the oceans (poem).

    • What you need to know about single use plastics.

    • Quit using plastic bags.

    • Quit placing fruits and vegetables in plastic bags.

    • Quit using takeaway coffee cups.

    • Quit sucking on straws.

    • Quit using plastic bottles.

    • Quit using single use plastic takeaway containers + cutlery.

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    Module 2: what's the big deal about palm oil?

    • Deforestation (poem)

    • This is palm oil.

    • So, what is palm oil?

    • How I came to care so deeply about palm oil + deforestation.

    • The reality of palm oil in supermarkets in remote Indonesia.

    • The effects of deforestation for palm oil.

    • Say no to palm oil.

    • Never support facilities that exploit wild animals.

    • Spark awareness through conversations.

    • Travel to Borneo and Sumatra to support eco tourism.

    • Adopt a plant based diet.

    • Hang on- what about sustainable palm oil?

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    Module 3: why your cheap t-shirt is hurting more than the environment.

    • What is fast fashion?

    • The human impacts of fast fashion.

    • The environmental impacts of fast fashion.

    • Reduce.

    • Recycle + reuse.

    • Repair.

    • Wear clothing made from plastic bottles.

    • Demand greater transparency in the fashion industry.

    • Conscious consumer list.

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    Module 4: zero waste living.

    • What is zero waste living?

    • Organic waste.

    • Kitchen.

    • Bathroom.

    • Beauty.

    • Laundry.

    • Zero waste travel.

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    Module 5: water water water.

    • Why worry about water?

    • A childhood in drought.

    • Create a garden filled with indigenous plants.

    • Increase your garden's ability to retain water.

    • Use greywater.

    • Collect rainwater.

    • Install water saving shower heads + taps.

    • Have shorter showers.

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    Module 6: period edition.

    • Can periods be eco?

    • Impacts of pads + tampons.

    • Organic cotton pads + tampons.

    • Cotton cloth pads.

    • Moon cup.

    • Period underwear.

    • Sea sponges.

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    Bonus module: plant based living + living off the land.

    • Reconnecting to our earth.

    • Local is lekker.

    • Eat seasonally.

    • Grow your own food.

    • Plant based living.

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    • All the links you need.

I created this course with the vision to inspire. To create a pathway that shows just how easy it can be to make small changes to live a more earth conscious life.

So, are you read to step up? To educate yourself and to contribute towards protecting our earth?